Selasa, 05 Februari 2019

Daily Repot 05/02/2019

بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

        Today is holiday but i still come to campus as agreed yesterday because this holiday we went into the kitchen at nine o'clock. Before i goes to the campus i had breakfast first because with breakfast the stqmina full again. I goes to the campus at eight o'clock and arrived at half past nine

        After i arrived i go towards the back of the kitchen. While enter in the kitchen, i learn about pie because of our practice today how to make a pie. Finally the time arrive. We doing online and senior call name by name after the name we call senior we in a kitchen.

        Before we praktic we pray together. Mr Ical get in my class and give me a instructions how to maka a pie. Today we make 2 pie number one is a pie dough and number two is a sugar dough. In fact pie dough and sugar dough almost same but the defferent just the mixture of liquid ingredients for pie dough we use egg yolk and for sugar dough we use some water. We doing together until dhuhur. After pray dzuhur we continue this pie.

        Now just put the mixture in the oven. While waiting for the pie to cook we oneline and senior divided us into several for general cleaning. After general cleaning we out from the kitchen. We are waiting the pie cook with story. After we wait so long, finally the pie cook. After eat we all oneline for go home. We pray together an we go home

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