Senin, 04 Maret 2019

Daily Report 04/03/2019

                   بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

        Hello guys, here I am again in The Next Master Chef. It's been a busy week for me so I didn't get a chance to get in touch with you all. Therefore today I'll tell you my story that might be used as knowledge to help you work outside the safe zone. Maybe some of you don't know what is mean by safe zone. Safe zone is a zone where someone always get what he wants without any effort. For example, you ask your parents money to buy something you want, to pay for your collage, etc. By getting out of your safe zone, you'll be an independent person, firmly opinionated and able to solve problem on your own. I hope you, student of poltekpar who will get job as soon as you graduate, could use that as an advice. Ok, here's my today's story.

        On Sunday, March 3rd, we went to poltekpar to prepare ingredients for Monday. I arrived at 9am but I saw no one at the collage. The schedule said we should all gather at 9am at the kitchen. I started to call all my colleagues. Couple of minutes later one by one came and we started to prepare for Monday.

        Monday, March 4th 2019, I arrived at collage at 5:35am, little bit early because we should prepare for today's breakfast, exactly at 10am. The other reason is today I am the president of the class. The president has to do more works than the others, such as turn on the light and the water tap and the gas tap, open the windows, check all the today's breakfast's and practice's ingredients. Also take the kitchen's and the storehouse's key. Besides all that the president should also boil 3 big pans of water. I wonder! What are that 3 pans heated for!? I kept that question to myself.

        Finally the time I've waited for came. At 7am we stood in one line and gathered at the bakery. Before we started our practice we pray first so that all will go safely. At first I was a little bit startled because the groups will be mixed again. I thought our previous group is the best. But whatever haha. After the new groups were divided, I am in group 4. The seniors had all our list of assignment ready. The 1st group will make appetizer, the 2nd group will make the soups, the 3rd group will cook the main course and the 4th or the last group will make dessert. We divided our task and started to cook.

        Our group, the 4th group, made yellow butter cake as today's dessert. We prepared the ingredients, which are butter, sugar, salt, eggs, baking powder, flour, fresh milk and vanilla powder. The first step is to mix the butter until it becomes creamy then add sugar little by little until the color turns to white. And then add the eggs, flour, salt, vanilla powder, and baking powder then mix it together. Let the machine does it works until the dough is ready. After that, pour the ready dough to the cup and bake until it puff up and ready to go. At last add butter cream for decoration on the top of the cake.

        After cooking all the food we prayed Dhuhur. Then we did general cleaning. But as the president of the class, I checked the cooler freezer's temperature and the gas tap. Also the garbage bin to see if there is still trash there. Finishing the general cleaning, we prayed before going home so we had a safe journey ahead.

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